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2010-07-27 18:03:22 UTC
Sábado, 24 de julio, año 2010 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador – Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(Felices Fiestas Julianas a todas nuestras familias guayaquileñas,
dentro y fuera de nuestras tierras ecuatorianas, en el nombre salvador
de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que reciban a cada hora salud,
protección, prosperidad de bendiciones sin fin de parte de su Dios y
Fundador de sus nuevas vidas eternas, ¡nuestro Padre celestial y su
Espíritu Santo. ¡Amén!)


Our heavenly Father granted us His written Law through Moses at Sinai,
however, grace and eternal life only through His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the Son of David at Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to our
ancestors from paradise, Adam and Eve, so we may live forever blessed!
This is our heavenly Father’s eternal Law that has existed in perfect
holiness within the Holy Spirit of the blessed life of His Son Jesus
Christ, so angels and men alike may enjoy it within their eternal
lifetime whether this is on earth or within the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above, for example.

This written Law by our heavenly Father’s holy finger is to be
believed and carry out through the Holy Spirit of each word, letter,
tilde and eternal divine significance, so it may bring glory and honor
to His great name within the hearts and lives of angels and men all
over His entire vastly creation. Moreover, our heavenly Father granted
men and angels to have His glorious written Law on earth and in
heaven, because they will all have to live by it throughout eternity,
never to be fulfilled by them but by their King Messiah only, the
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so there would never be no errors done
against it due to imperfection.

Because, the truth is that angels could have never fulfilled and
glorified our heavenly Father’s written Law much less men all over the
entire earth, for that matter, since angels can sin just as men all
over the entire earth (remember the angelic rebellion, for example,
where Lucifer became Satan and the fallen angels, devils or demons for
hell). Consequently, only our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach could truly fulfill and glorify the Holy Spirit of the
written Law and the blessed name, so truth and justice done may be on
earth as it is in heaven, for instance, so darkness may die for light
to appear everywhere for men to live everlastingly finally in peace in

Indeed, before our heavenly Father no one could ever open the Holy
Spirit of the written Law, except our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so
angels may have it fulfill and glorify eternally to the peak, and the
same is true all over the entire earth, beginning within Israel, so
humankind may have it as well for blessing and abundance grace
forever. Therefore, angels, archangels, seraphs, cherub, and other
holy creatures from heaven are always thankful to our Lord Jesus
Christ and bow before him, because he was the only one qualified to
open the seal of the Holy Spirit of the written Law and of the great
name as well: so eternal life would be possible for every one
everywhere perpetually.

That is to say, also that only our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, is your true fulfillment and
glorification of the Holy Spirit for your written Law and the blessed
name to attain eternal grace and salvation for your living soul on
earth and in heaven forever in all the brand-new eternity to come.
That is why that you need to believe within your heart and invoke with
your lips our heavenly Father’s forgiveness and great-salvation, so
the Holy Spirit of the written Law and the blessed name honored and
exalted may be within your life, just as honored and exalted they are
in heavens by angels and saved men’s redeemed souls from ancient

Because, the truth is that heaven filled is with nations from past
generations that trusted our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ
as well in the same breath for miracle saving faith and grace to work
within their lives, either to escape Satan’s lie or to obtain great
blessings and healing, so they may instantaneously walk into eternal
life. For this is the supernatural living power of the fulfilled and
glorified Holy Spirit of the written Law and of the great name as well
in heaven with angels and with men all over the entire earth,
specially within the house of Israel, for example, so darkness may die
and the light of grace and eternal life may thrive everlastingly.

Otherwise, without our heavenly Father’s Son Jesus Christ living in
heaven with the angels, then they could have never open the seal of
fulfillment and glorification of the written Law and of the great name
as well: well, the same is true on earth with all men that they would
have to live without grace and eternal life forever. However, thanks
to our heavenly Father that send His Son Jesus Christ into Israel as
His personal Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so He may not only have a
glorious temple for His written Law and His great name, but also grace
and eternal life for Israel and the nations as well, so they may all
live before Him happy ever after.

Therefore, Israel is the Promised Land that our heavenly Father
personally chose to establish forever and ever His holy temple for His
fulfilled and glorified written Law and the eternal birth of His great
name that exists in eternal sanctity for earth and heaven, so Israel
may have saving power and the nations as well. Correspondently, with
our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts as our heavenly
Father’s glorious temple for His written fulfilled and gloried Law and
blessed great name, then He is indeed very happy with His angels in
heaven and with every man, woman and child everywhere around the
world, so grace and eternal life may abound forever in eternity.

As yet, you need to have our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
within your heart and living souls these days more than ever, so Satan
may flee from you with all his terrible darkness of troubles,
difficulties, lies, and dreadful hidden wickedness that can only give
you each day of your entire life eternal curses on earth and in hell.
That is to say, also that if you suffer and faint due to problems,
infirmities and terrible difficulties, then this will be because Satan
has lied to you in a terrible way through one of his wicked devils
that you would normally see from time to time or every day, for that
matter, so you need to turn to God now.

And the only way that you are going to turn to our heavenly Father
these days, it will be merely by believing within your heart and
confessing with your lips the glorious name that He granted you to
have through His beloved Son Jesus Christ, so you may be shield
supernaturally from all Satan’s attacks mentioned above, for example.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father blessed you
supernaturally while He gave you the Holy Spirit of the written Law
and of His great name, so you may live apart from Satan and his wicked
every day lie that can only awaken into your life: problems,
difficulties, infirmities and incredible deaths, so you may die before
your time.

Inasmuch as, once our heavenly Father granted Moses His written Law
and great name, then He did it for him and for each one of us as well,
whether you are Hebrew or Gentile, for example, so you may escape
Satan’s lie and find shelter in His blessed Son’s truth, grace and
never-ending justice for you and your loved ones. Meaning that while
our heavenly Father wrote His written Law, then He was doing it
personally for Moses, moreover He was doing it face-to-face for each
one of us as well, by the millions from all the families of the
nations; indeed He wrote it with His finger individually for you, so
Jesus Christ may fulfill it eventually for eternity.

Because, if our Lord Jesus Christ did not fulfill and glorify properly
our heavenly Father’s written Law individually for Moses and for each
person on earth, then angels in heaven and men all over the entire
earth would have never enjoy the blessings of eternal life filled with
grace and endless goodness for every one everywhere through His entire
brand-new celestial-creation. That is to say, also that our heavenly
Father would have never been able to create His brand-new glorious
Jerusalem from heaven above for men and for angels, for example, so
they may all live together at last with Him and His Son Jesus Christ
thus to love and serve His glorious great name forever in all eternity
to come.

Then, it was very important for our heavenly Father to have His Son
Jesus Christ bless and fulfill His written Law for men on earth and
for His very holy angels in heaven too, so He may immediately begin to
live His brand-new long-waited blissful-life without Satan’s lie
forever and ever in a brand-new eternity never lived by any one
before. Timely, our heavenly Father would have never had had an angel
fulfill and glorify before His presence the Holy Spirit of His written
Law but only by His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, because he alone is His begotten Son throughout the ages—
thus only His King Messiah could fulfill it for every one individually
for eternity.

That is to say, also that only His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach could
fulfill and glorify His written Law before His glorious presence
within His angelic Kingdom and within His Promised Land to Israel, for
example, therefore, no angel in heaven, much less any one within
Israel could truly claim and exalt His glorious commandments—except
through His beloved King Messiah. That is why also that our heavenly
Father promised to Israel that the daughter of Zion would give birth
to a child—and this child was to be exceptional within the families of
the entire house of Israel, because his royal names will be: the
Admirable, the Strong Father, the Counselor, the Mighty God, the
Prince of Peace, and David’s son.

Ultimately, he will be ruler of all men on earth and in heaven, for
his brand-new angelic Kingdom, that is our heavenly Father’s brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, will never know defeat much less the end
of life for ever and ever in all eternity to come for angels and for
men from all the nations of all times. Indeed, his government of
divine peace filled everlastingly will be with truth and justice for
all those that have believed within their hearts and confess with
their lips his glorious name for forgiveness and the great salvation
for a brand-new eternal life that will only know perfectly well to
serve and glorify our heavenly Father’s great name for all eternity.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of His
written Law came into the world to abide within and all around us, but
only through His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may escape Satan’s lie
to find at last truth and justice for eternal life within His tree of
life, in this life and forevermore. For our heavenly Father’s
unfailing love of truth and justice attained could be only by each one
of us by the millions throughout the history of the entire earth,
through His blessed Son King Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so
we may have life in abundance with every day miracle these days and
forevermore in all eternity as well.

Actually, our heavenly Father made His Son Jesus Christ part of our
entire lives by default, because he is His blessed King Messiah in the
heavens for angels and for men as well everywhere in His entire
immeasurable creation, so we may eat and drink from him always with
the purpose to become like Him for the glory of His great name. For
the truth is, these days, that each time you eat and drink daily from
our heavenly Father’s Supper, then you are eating His sacred Lamb
flesh and drinking His atoning-blood filled with amazing grace and
eternal life for you and your loved ones as well, so darkness may die
and light may shine forever in your brand-new celestial-eternity.

Still, it is in our heavenly Father’s blessed King Messiah that we
have grace and eternal life these days and forevermore within His
blessed brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where we will never go
hungry or thirsty again, so we may live always enjoying what the
angels enjoyed since their individual heavenly creation for the
goodness of His great name. For there are great things that hearts
have not felt, eyes seen, or ears heard that our heavenly Father
prepared since before the foundation of the heavens and the earth for
those that love Him within the spirit and truth of His fruit of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ, so we may live full of love and happiness

Therefore, blessed we are on earth and in the high heavens nowadays by
the supernatural powers of our Lord Jesus Christ, because in him we
have received from our heavenly Father our blessed flesh, unbreakable
bones, and atoning-blood full of eternal happiness, so we may live for
long days well into all eternity, enjoying always grace and eternal
life. For this is sacred flesh, unbreakable bones, pure atoning-blood
of the divine life and glorious eternity of our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach that have fulfilled and glorified our heavenly Father’s
Holy Spirit written-commandments and great name in the heavens, on
earth, and all over the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, so we
may live as God’s children everlastingly blessed.

Indeed, these are our heavenly Father’s grace and eternal life that we
inherit directly from Him through our personal miracle faith in His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may live as His special children on
earth even before we enter heaven, so we may enjoy His glorious-life
full of miracle for which He created us in the beginning to enjoy. In
other words, we can very well start enjoying our heavenly body with
sacred flesh, unbreakable bones, and atoning-blood running through us
by the supernatural miracle faith to believe within our hearts and
invoke with our mouths His great salvation name that is above all
names on earth and in heaven, so we may awake to everlasting happiness
and untold-richness.

For this is our true body to live these days on earth and in heaven,
but only by believing within our hearts and confessing with our lips
our heavenly Father’s great salvation name of His blessed Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so we may escape forever Satan’s lie that Adam and Eve
believed for every one’s dismay, and every day misfortune. Truthfully,
liberated you are from Satan’s lie since you believed first in Jesus
Christ as your savior, because he was born by the Holy Spirit’s
supernatural powers of the written Law and the blessed name for
forgiveness, success, and salvation to inherit a life full of grace
and never-ending blessings in this life and in the next one to come.

Therefore, whether you live on earth, in paradise or within the brand-
new Jerusalem from heaven above, then you are indeed living before our
heavenly Father within His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach supernatural
rebirth of His Holy Spirit, the fulfillment and glorification of His
written Law, and the goodness of His blessed name filled with
blessings that will never end. And this every day blessing within your
life will never end in this life or in the next one to come well into
eternity, because our heavenly Father sees only the perfect
righteousness, devotion, truth, grace and eternal life fill with
justice for the glory and honor of His majestic name, so you may be
His personal glory forever.

That is correct, you are His personal glory on earth and in heaven as
well before His very holy angels, so you may glorify and exalt His
blessed name just as His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach did it over
millenniums to this very day, for example, and this is your true
happiness at last these days and forevermore in eternity. Then, do not
wait anymore, let our heavenly Father’s holy grace and never-ending
eternal life full of blessings of unfailing love, peace, happiness,
truth, and justice without measure be for you and your loved ones on
earth and in heaven as well as in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven
above, where everything is grace and happiness for every one

Truly to live in this world without our heavenly Father’s fulfilled
and glorified Holy Spirit of the written Law and His great name, then
it is outright suicide, moreover you are without any protection, and
Satan can do with you as he may please—so, come now to Jesus Christ’s
grace and eternal life for forgiveness, health, and every day
blessing. With Jesus Christ living within your hearts and living
souls, you will be doing our heavenly Father’s perfect will for your
entire life on earth and in heaven, because you will be living with a
sacred flesh, unbreakable bones, and atoning-blood that fulfills
constantly our heavenly Father’s written Law and great name, moreover
your new divine-body will never offend God, forever.

Indeed, you are better than the holy angels in heaven each time that
you believe and confess with your lips the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as
your only righteousness and perfect sanctity before our heavenly
Father thus for you to fulfill every rule of the Law and of the great
name as well, so you may live gloriously ever after. After a long
wait, you will be a very happy living soul on earth bound to heaven’s
greatness and untold richness, because you are exactly as our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach is from head to foot before our heavenly Father
since early ancient eternity: always Law abiding and gloriously
cordial to His great name forever in all eternity to come.

At last, our heavenly Father completes within you His great work that
He fashioned with His glorious hands in heaven the moment He implanted
within you His image and likeness, so you may serve and adore His
great name forever on earth and in heaven as well. Categorical, you
will be a very happy holy creature on earth just as our heavenly
Father’s very holy angels in heaven, because now you are living within
your true divine-body liberated from Satan’s sinful flesh, broken
bones, and ill-blood, so you may find your real you in Jesus Christ
just as you were in the day of your creation.

With this brand-new glorious divine-body that you will inherit
directly from our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, you will
never offend the Holy Spirit of the written Law much less the great
name, because you will be as Jesus Christ is forever from head to foot
within our heavenly Father’s sacred presence and His very holy angels
in heaven. Indeed, with Jesus Christ living within your heart, then
our heavenly Father would have completed in due course His glorious
work of His hand that began in His glorious heart in early ancient
eternity with His Holy Spirit and His beloved Son Jesus Christ, so He
may create ultimately a brand-new world filled with His glorified Law
and eternal life.

Truthfully, without His Holy Spirit of His fulfilled and glorified
written Law with His great name living within your hearts and living
souls, then our heavenly Father has not completed the glorious work of
His holy hand that He personally began with each one of us in heaven,
so He may begin a brand-new eternal creation for eternity that is. For
this is a brand-new world that our heavenly Father created already in
the highest-heaven to inherit, but before that time you must undress
from Adam’s and Eve’s sinful flesh, brittle bones, and ill-blood for
the sacred flesh, indestructible bones, and atoning-blood of our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may enter to live within your brand-new
celestial life forever.

In this new-life, you will not longer transgress the written Law that
our heavenly Father wrote with His finger at Sinai before Moses and
ancient Israel, so you may receive it today fulfilled and glorified
within His King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s blessed
messianic-life with the purpose that you will never suffer again much
less die forever. Indeed, this is a wonderful life that angels would
love to enjoy these days and forevermore in eternity, but they cannot
have it because given it was to you only through the miracle faith to
believe within your heart and confess with your lips our Lord Jesus
Christ for salvation, and never-ending happiness in heaven forever in

Inexcusably, the only one that is holding you back from enjoying this
glorious celestial life on earth these days, it is you and no one
else; here you cannot blame Satan for your troubles, infirmities,
failures and so forth, for not having your Lord Jesus Christ within
your heart as you personal savior, but only you are to blame. That is
correct, you are the one that is not fulfilling and glorifying within
your heart our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the written Law and
His blessed name, because by receiving Jesus Christ within your heart
as your personal savior, then you are indeed living righteously the
written Law and the great name with grace and eternal life.

Therefore, these days you have in your favor all of our heavenly
Father’s great ancient mercies, unfathomable grace, and undying
blissful life, so you may cease to die before Him and retake the
celestial rich full of life that legitimate belongs to you from your
tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, that is. With self-respect, do not look for your
forgiveness, health, peace, success, and salvation in any other places
on earth or in heaven, you have it with you already; meaning also that
you do not have to go anywhere on earth or under the earth or ascend
to heaven to get it, it is with you already just take it as it is.

That is miracle faith within your heart working supernaturally as you
believe our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ for things to
happen within your life and the lives of your loved ones as well
everywhere around the world, so you may be happy finally, for the
glory and every day honor of our heavenly Father’s blessed name. With
our Lord Jesus Christ living with you as your personal Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, then you have fulfilled and glorified greatly our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit of the written Law and His great name as well, so
you may begin to live a miracle life already on earth bound to heaven,
the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above that is.

What is more, our heavenly Father’s unfailing love breathes and lives
just for you in heaven and all over the entire earth as well, if you
only accept His beloved Yeshua HaMoshiach as your personal Lord and
savior, so all things may begin to go well for you and your loved ones
on earth and in all eternity forever. This means these days that our
heavenly Father wants to bless and enrich your entire life on earth
just as if you already were living with Him and His tree of life in
paradise, for example, adoring and honoring His great name, so you may
never lack anything that your heart may desire on earth and
forevermore in heaven.

For in this our heavenly Father glorified He is greatly on earth with
men and in heaven with His very holy angels, while good things happen
in your life, because you love His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach just as He
personally loves him since early eternity, for example, so truth,
grace, justice, and eternal life may overwhelm all over the earth
perpetually. Truly, our heavenly Father has given it all to you
through the wonderful and glorious life of His King Messiah, our Lord
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so you may abandon the imperfect life that
has caused you so many problems and suffering to retake finally a holy
celestial-life that will only do you good these days and forevermore
in eternity.

So, live very happy these days with your loved ones at home, because
our heavenly Father granted you a written Law written by His finger
with His great name attached to it, furthermore He facilitated the
perfect fulfillment and glorification of them through the glorious and
supernatural messianic life of His Son Jesus Christ, so you may live
eternally blessed. Really, this is a glorious celestial-life that you
may very well live these days thus to enter into a brand-new eternity
with it, because this is our heavenly Father’s will for your entire
life so you may live full of joy each day just as His Son Jesus Christ
lives his holy life before His glorious presence in heaven forever.

Traditionally, our heavenly Father gave us His written Law at Sinai
filled with His glorious Holy Spirit, however, in due time, He also
gave us His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that would fulfill and
glorify it with His great name on it, so He may fill our entire lives
with grace and eternal life on earth and in heaven forever. Then, be
very happy and live to the full our heavenly Father’s personal brand-
new sacred eternal life through His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord
Jesus Christ, so you may enjoy new glories that He promised He would
prepare for you to take pleasure in each day of your entire life on
earth and well into all eternity to come. Amen!

(Carta del cielo):


Do not be troubled at all within your heart; do not fear any one in
this world except your Maker for He cares for you more than you will
ever think, that is if you do His will to love him in true eternal
faith. For He is the One that not only created you in His image and
according to His likeness, with great unfailing love and true faith
within His heart for each one of you, but also He created the entire
heavens with His glorious angels, so you may live forever and ever
always enjoying the fullness of His never-ending celestial happiness.

Therefore, you trust in our heavenly Father, then these days trust in
me as never before, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach declared to his
apostles and the rest of the peoples of Israel, so they may see
eternal life with never-ending blessings in him, in this life and in
the next one to come, for ever and ever. For in my heavenly Father’s
house there are many mansions for you to inherit legitimately these
days, in view of that I am going to prepare a place for you and for
your loved ones too, so you may live there just as my Father and I
live in these holy and wonderful celestial places forever into all

Now, if this were not like this, then I would have told you already,
so do not fear the future or for the things to come for I am with you
always to the end of time. For the truth is that I am leaving you
directly from Israel as your personal King Messiah to prepare a heaven
to inherit, so you may stay where I live since the days of eternity
with my Father and His angelic hosts to enjoy only truth, love, peace,
prosperity and never-ending blessings for ages to come well into all

In heaven, you will have a wonderful life because you will be living
in very holy places where our heavenly Father’s hands create you to
inherit, so you may live next to Him and His tree of life always
enjoying the goodness of His heart that loves you just as He has
always loved His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ! Indeed, our
heavenly Father has created for you new heavens with lands teeming
with angelic life that will only know the words to worship and serve
continuously and through the ages His blessed name, so He may at last
enjoy pure truth and justice to His glorious name directly from your
hearts and living souls.

These days, you are our heavenly Father’s perfect happiness and peace
to His living soul because He loves you so much, and furthermore you
are part of His entire blissful celestial-life through the wonderful
Holy Spirit of His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may at last
live forever in eternity under new heavens and glorious vast
supernatural lands. Truly, these are the holy places in heaven where
you ought to be living your celestial life already in these days, but
you are not there today because of Adam’s and Eve’s sin that they both
believed within their hearts and confess with their lips from the
ancient serpent and Satan unfortunately that dishonor within you our
heavenly Father’s sacred name.

That is why that you need to believe within your heart and confess
with your lips our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s name,
so whatever the ancient serpent told Adam and Eve to believe within
their hearts and confess with their lips the lies against the fruit of
life, our Lord Jesus Christ, then it should die in you forever. Given
that when you believe within your heart and confess with your lips our
heavenly Father’s blessed name of His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
then Satan’s lie against Him must leave your heart, soul, mind, body
and human spirit for truth and justice may enter to restore you into
your former celestial-glory from heaven.

Because, the truth is that you have a heart, mind, living-soul, body
and human spirit that only knows to enjoy the wonderful and glorious
places from the angelic Kingdom just as any angel, and not the earth
where you were born, so you need to go back to heaven, the sooner the
better as today by invoking His saving name. That is to say, also that
the heavens and the new earth that our heavenly Father promised to the
ancients or our Lord Jesus Christ promised to his disciples and the
people of Israel are all ready for you to inherit lawfully these days,
but you need to do the right thing first before you can walk liberated
up there.

In addition, this means that you have to abandon the sinful-life that
you received by default from Adam and Eve to live your original-life
that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach brought to you back from paradise so
you may retake it and return home, heaven, where our heavenly Father
waits patiently with His holy angels and His arms open towards you.
And our heavenly Father’s holy arms reach to you just as His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach opened his glorious arms but nailed to the dead
crossed trees of Adam and Eve, so you may believe in your heart and
confess with your lips His great name for salvation to return to your
original life with new heavens and glorious lands above, home!

For eyes have not seen nor ears heard all the wonderful and glorious
things that our heavenly Father has prepared for them that love Him in
the spirit and in the truth of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he
is His only fruit of life in heaven with His angels and on earth with
civilization, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Truthfully, this is our
heavenly Father’s brand-new angelic Kingdom where our Lord Jesus
Christ will continue to be our only tree of life, so we may continue
to eat and drink from his fruit of life, because we will not longer
serve our sinful flesh, broken bones, and ill-blood that we inherited
in sin by default from Adam and Eve.

Indeed, we will have new flesh, unbreakable bones, and a holy blood
full of eternal life from our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of
Nazareth that will not longer require to eat from the forbidden fruit
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil but now from the fruit of
life, so we may be as God Himself, forever. For this is holy flesh,
unbreakable bones, and blessed blood filled to the full with
everlasting life that our souls enjoy greatly, so we may love our
heavenly Father’s blessed name as never before with the same holiness,
purity and never-ending love from His Son-Messiah, because only Jesus
Christ is His begotten Son for the glory of His blessed name.

Therefore, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts just as
he lives within our heavenly Father’s heart and of His very holy
angels in heaven through the ages and to this day, we are indeed safe
and secure in His righteous presence to enter today into His brand-new
angelic-Kingdom, so we may enjoy eternity for ever and ever. That is
why that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to his apostles and
disciples everywhere in Israel by assuring lawfully to them that he is
the way, the truth, and the life to new worlds; and that no one can
come into our heavenly Father’s holy private presence or into His
brand-new angelic Kingdom without his holy justice.

Really, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only one that knows our way back
to paradise and the brand-new angelic Kingdom teeming with our
everlasting life of joy and never-ending celestial happiness as the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above that hidden it is these days
from our eyes within the vast ever-silent infinite, because of our
original sin from paradise. However, the same vast brand-new world
that our heavenly Father created us in the beginning for each one of
us to inherit it is, indeed, craving for our presence from within the
universe’s remoteness, because it has heavens and earths that love us
so much as our heavenly Father loves us through the atoning-blood of
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach.

That is true, we have new heavens with fruitful lands from heaven
above that crave for each one of us just as we crave for this holy
celestial life since the start, so we may return to our mansions
indeed filled with the glorious richness that our Lord Jesus Christ
triumphantly obtained with his atoning-blood for the glory of his
name. For the reason that our heavenly Father created each one of us
in His holy hands, beginning with Adam and Eve, because He wanted us
to bear His personal image and likeness, so we may be an exact copy of
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach thus only to love and serve Him to attain
new eternal glories forever in eternity.

Meaning also that our heavenly Father created us in His image and
according to His likeness so we may live under glorious heavens filled
with a blissful life that rains over fruitful lands where our homes
are waiting for each one since even before He began to call us to
become servants to His glorious name forever in eternity. Undeniably,
our heavenly Father created each one of us to be specifically exactly
as His Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because He needs us to
be like Him from head to foot, so we may believe in Him just as His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach believes and loves Him since even before the
first days of eternity to this day.

In other words, our heavenly Father wants strictly each one of us to
love and serve Him not as the angels from heaven do since the day of
their individual creations by the power of His word, but as His Son
Jesus Christ serves and loves Him through the ages throughout His
entire creation, for the glory of His great name. Given that, when our
heavenly Father is loved and served by His Angel-Son Messiah, our Lord
Jesus Christ, then He is totally pleased in perfect truth and justice
that gives Him eternal happiness and peace—and this is something that
the angels and other holy creatures will never attain before Him, do
not matter how hard they may try.

However, with our Lord Jesus Christ this is something that is almost
automatic and natural for him to do before our heavenly Father and His
Holy Spirit that pleases all truth and justice beyond all celestial
happiness for any angelic or men’s understanding for that matter.
Consequently, this is the reason that our heavenly Father created each
one of us in His image and according to His likeness so we may become
as one of His sons and holy angels in heaven, so we may live before
Him on earth just as His Son Jesus Christ lives in perfect holiness
and sanctity for His heart’s joy.

And because our heavenly Father’s plan of salvation is so wonderful
and great, then He called us to be His sons and daughters by just
believing within our hearts and confessing with our lips His saving
name, the name of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may have life in
abundance in heaven and on earth for ever and ever. Therefore, we may
serve and love Him just as His Son-Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ
loves and serves Him in heaven with His holy angels and on earth with
men, women and children of good will and of good faith from all the
nations of the entire world, regardless of their religious beliefs,
for example.

Moreover, if we love and serve our heavenly Father as His Angel Son-
Messiah loves and serves Him since early eternity, then He will bless
us with new heavens and productive earths nowadays where His tree of
life planted it is gloriously forever, so we may never go hungry or
thirsty in this life and in the next one to come. Furthermore, these
new heavens with wonderful lands are teeming with angelic life where
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach will grant us to have what he promised he
will give us in our heavenly Father’s house, and these are wonderful
mansions with fruitful lands to live forever serving our heavenly
Father’s blessed name for ever and ever in all eternity to come.

Furthermore, these glorious mansions that our Lord Jesus Christ has
built already for each one of us to inherit, constructed they are with
the best wood from the trees from heaven, silver, gold and the most
precious stones everywhere, so we may live before our heavenly Father
as kings and priests for the every day glory of His great name. That
is why that our Lord Jesus Christ told his apostles and every one else
all over Israel that if they believe in our heavenly Father
wholeheartedly just as their patriarchs did, then they must also
believe in him without hesitations, because this is our heavenly
Father’s constant will for them in paradise and the entire earth in
these days.

Given that he is His Son-Messiah in heaven, and more important he is
the Lamb with the precious atoning-blood for the eternal blood-
sacrifice that will never end in this life nor in the next one to come
for every man, woman and child created in His hands, in the day of
their creation for the glory of His blessed name. Unquestionably, this
is the never-ending atoning-blood sacrifice that our heavenly Father
called Israel to execute from out of Egypt, but this was something so
great and wonderful that could only be carry out outside the city of
the Great King-Messiah, at Jerusalem’s holy hill and nailed to Adam
and Eve, so his shed blood may save humankind from sin, forever.

Well, from this shed atoning-blood sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ
destroy sin to grant eternal life to every man, woman and child from
all the nations of all times, moreover he granted them also new
heavens with supernatural earths teeming with life for ages to come,
so they may love and serve our heavenly Father the right way every
day. This is the truth, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach by shedding his
atoning-blood sacrifice over Adam’s and Eve’s dead bodies, indeed he
saved them from the power of sin and death, moreover he created new
heavens with fruitful lands where the trees will never go dry again
forever in all eternity, so his people may live happy and eternally

Therefore, if you are gazing up to the sky for brand-new heavens with
glorious pure earths planets from deep within our vast universe, you
will never find them, because the Law that the universe has received
from our God is to remain silent until all nations worship and serve
His great King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth! In other
words, you need to find Jesus Christ first within the vast universe of
your heart and living soul so your mind and entire human spirit may
find salvation in our heavenly Father’s presence, so only then you
will see new heavens with glorious earths teeming with eternal life
everywhere for you, your loved ones, and friends as well.

For sure, there is life up there deep into the vast universe, but this
life will never speak to you, so they may not break our heavenly
Father’s commandment to remain in total silence until you receive
first within your heart and confess with your lips His great name for
salvation, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ that is. For all
life, in the heavens and on earth, know very well our heavenly Father,
His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit, and His angelic host, except
you and the rest of humankind—that is why that Satan’s lie continues
to deceive you just as he deceived Adam and Eve in the beginning for
every one’s unfortunate perils everywhere nowadays.

Therefore, these days you need to know our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as
our heavenly Father’s ancient Angel Son-Messiah, so you may find life
in other places up there in the vast heavens, including paradise and
the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where every one lives in
perfect peace so they may honor and glorify our heavenly Father’s
great name forever. Indeed, there is more life looking down to earth
than earth’s life looking up to the heavens; and even though this
extraterrestrial life looks upon us from incredible distances they
will never speak to us, because we have to believe first in Jesus
Christ of Nazareth great work of atoning-blood salvation for humankind
and the entire earth as well.

Furthermore, this celestial life will never speak to us, for now,
because commanded they are by our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus
Christ to remain in total silence before us, but also allowed they are
not or, in some degree, they do not have the right to speak to us
about our heavenly Father’s plan of eternal salvation. Truthfully,
angels from heaven will love to speak to us every day about our
heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ’s unfailing love and great
mercies, but allowed they are not to teach us about our Gospel of
salvation in any shape or form, because the preaching and teaching of
God’s word was given to men only throughout the earth.

Perhaps in the future, our heavenly Father will allow angels to speak
about Him and His Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and
only then: they will speak to us openly and without any further
hesitations as in these days, for example, but not until then. And
whenever this will happen in the near future, not only angels will
speak to us about our heavenly Father and His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
but also the stars with their planets and moons they will do it openly
from far and incredible distances, because they all know very well our
heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ’s ancient everlasting-

Truly, from the start you belong in heaven as paradise or the brand-
new colossal Jerusalem from above, but you were send away from it,
because you refused by error to eat eternal life from our Lord Jesus
Christ; however the moment you fix this error then you can return to
your original heavenly life, but with divine-power this time. In other
words, your heart, soul, mind, body, and human spirit are truly happy
all day long living upstairs, in heaven, where our heavenly Father’s
holy hands created you in perfect righteousness and sanctity of His
living soul, so you may be one day as in these days, for example, a
son, or a daughter to His living unfailing loving-heart.

Therefore, our heavenly Father’s kingdom is your eternal place of
birth where you opened your eyes for the first time for unspeakable
never-ending glories, happiness and richness, and not earth or the
world under it as in hell or the lake of fire, for example, where
every one live in darkness about Him and His Son’s unfailing-love and
never-ending grace. Definitely, these last terrible places created
they were by God for Satan and his followers and never for men,
however, sinners go there because of their sin that Adam and Eve
committed initially by error against His very holy name that lives in
perfect righteousness within His Angel Son-Messiah, His tree of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father wanted to create earlier
brand-new heavens and glorious earths, teeming with the holy life of
His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, where not only every man, woman and child
from earth will live in perfect sanctity before Him but also His holy
angels as well, for the service of His great name. Undeniably, this
will be a wonderful angelic Kingdom never lived by angels before where
our heavenly Father’s majestic name loved and served it will be
faithfully just as our Lord Jesus Christ loved and served it since
early eternity before our Father, but this time it will be within our
individual hearts (as yours and mine) that truly love Him

For this reason, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach told his apostles and
disciples everywhere around Israel that if they believe in God, then
they ought to believe in him as well without hesitating, so they may
fulfill every day’s truth and justice within their hearts for the new-
birth that they must have thus to reenter heaven sin free for
eternity. Because, those that believe within their hearts and confess
with their lips his holy name, then they will not longer confess
Adam’s and Eve’s names or evil words, but they will believe and
confess the great name that our heavenly Father gave His Son Jesus
Christ to defeat Satan’s lie and all his followers on earth and in
hell, forever.

For the reason that each time a lie proclaimed it is on earth or in
paradise, for example, then Satan’s name mentioned it is, however,
similarly each time truth proclaimed it is then justice is carry out
and our heavenly Father’s holy name that lives in perfect sanctity
within His Angel Son-Messiah’s heart and atoning-blood glorified it is
forever in eternity. That it is why that each time we believe within
our hearts and confess with our lips: our heavenly Father’s great
name, the name of His beloved Son Jesus Christ, then forgiven we are
from sin to live a brand-new life never known to men on earth or to
angels in heaven that will only do as good always in eternity.

For this is the great name that forgives sin endlessly, moreover it
heals the heart, mind, soul, body and human spirit for every man,
woman and child for their final salvation to become God’s children on
earth thus for them to return to paradise or the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above where everything is eternal-love forever for every
one. This means that with our Lord Jesus Christ living within our
hearts, then we are on our way back to our celestial life that we lost
in heaven against Satan and the serpent when Adam and Eve believed in
their lie against the great name of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the
living true faith for angels and for men.

That is why that it is very important for every one all over the earth
to continue to believe in our heavenly Father’s unfailing love, but
also called we are by God Himself to believe in His Angel Son-Messiah,
our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so we may have his great name
living as part of our every day life. For this is the only way that
our heavenly Father will forgive our every day sin, moreover He will
heal our minds, souls, bodies and human spirit, so we may prosper to
live under the wonderful and glorious protection of His great name on
earth and beyond eternity as well thus for us to know only goodness
and mercy forever.

In truth, this is the great name that our heavenly Father entrusted
not only to His Angel Son-Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, but also
to Adam and every one of his children including Eve, so He may
continue to be our Father in heaven and on earth thus to replete our
entire bodies and living souls with endless blessings forever. That is
why that today, you need to believe in our heavenly Father more than
ever, but only through the wonderful and glorious Holy Spirit true
faith of His King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, so He may take you,
starting in this very moment, to live a magnificent life under brand-
new heavens with wonderful lands full of eternal life.

For this is the wonderful life that your heart, mind, living soul,
body, and human spirit has always required to take them into, but you
have failed to do so to this day because you do not know the
supernatural power to believe in your heart and confess with your lips
our heavenly Father’s great name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! This is
our heavenly Father’s great name that was born in due time within the
Promised Land of Israel, through the perfect flesh, unbreakable bones,
and atoning-blood filled to the full of eternal life for every man,
woman and child from all the nations, so they may return to heaven
saved beyond all possible blessings forever in all eternity.

These days, if you really believe in our heavenly Father as your God
and Founder of your family, then you must also believe in His Angel
Son-Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as your personal savior thus
for you to fulfill all truth and justice on earth as it is in heaven,
and this is regardless of your religious beliefs. For our heavenly
Father is not interested at all in your religious beliefs, but only
how you serve and adore Him faithfully every day of your entire life
through the wonderful and glorious life of His beloved Son Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, for he alone is the only possible savior for your
living soul, on earth and in heaven, forever.

Do not be trouble at all in this life. You believe in God, then
believe also in His Angel Son-Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so
you may have life in abundance these days and forevermore in eternity,
because he alone is God’s temple Holy Spirit of faith for His glorious
name, in this life and in the next one to come, so you may live
prosperous, safe and secure forever. Amen!

(Carta del cielo):


Our heavenly Father blesses those that are gentle and lowly before
Him, for they will inherit the earth and the great City of the Great
King Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the brand-new glorious
Jerusalem from heaven above, where every one is right with God forever
and ever— thanks to the atoning wonderworking blood of the supreme
sacrifice. For it pleases our heavenly Father to give the earth to
those that love and serve Him every day of their entire lives through
the wonderful and glorious life of His blessed King Messiah, our Lord
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because they are right with Him since they
believed in their hearts and confessed with their lips His saving

Given that since our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified over Adam’s and
Eve’s crossed dead trees, then Israel shed our heavenly Father’s
holiest atoning-blood of His name to forgive eternally the sin of
every man, woman and child that will love and serve Him and His Son
Jesus Christ in this life and in the next one to come forever.
Because, for any one in heaven and on earth as well to love and serve
our heavenly Father, then he or she must have the Holy Spirit of His
great name and blessed fulfilled Ten Commandments, so he or she may
live right with Him always enjoying blessings for the new glories to
attain for His great name divinely-born in Israel.

Therefore, there is no one greater in heaven than His King Messiah
much less meek and lowly as him before His presence thus to please
truth and eternal justice forever and ever, so people may live right
before Him and His Holy Spirit of His glorious name and blessed
commandments for millions of generations to come well into all
eternity. Truthfully, all the angels are gentle and lowly before our
heavenly Father in heaven by default, even though they are mighty and
supernatural as always, however, although this is true none of them is
as gentle and lowly as our Lord Jesus Christ in our heavenly Father’s
presence and of His glorious Holy Spirit, they all fall short before
Jesus Christ’s meekness.

And the same we may say about the entire earth since its creation by
the word of our heavenly Father that no one as meek and lowly has ever
stepped on its ground than our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may introduce into the entire human
spirit of civilization the Holy Spirit for eternal life. Moreover,
this is our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the
fulfillment of the glorious commandments, so every man, woman and
child could have their sins forgiven and reborn at the same time by
the supernatural powers of the Spirit into God’s sons and daughters,
for example, so they may live and never die forever in eternity.

Therefore, in his days our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach walked gentle and
lowly each day of his entire messianic life within Israel’s Promised
Land, because he knew very well that within this divinely Chosen Land
he was walking in our heavenly Father’s very holy presence, just as he
has walked before Him since the first days of eternity, for example.
Indeed, since childhood our Lord Jesus Christ walked meekly as a Lamb
before our heavenly Father and the people that He chose to form His
glorious nation on earth and in heaven as in the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above, where he will continue to walk with His great name
meek and lowly before our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit.

Truly, the Promised Land is a land where our heavenly Father called
every one on earth with men and every one in heaven with His holy
angels, including His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as well, to walk before
His holy presence in humbleness and lowliness, so they may revere
continuously the Holy Spirit of His glorious name and His perfect
fulfilled commandments. This is true even in our days for instance, so
our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of His glorious name and fulfilled
commandments may honor and exalted be on earth, just as it is in
heaven within the heart and living spirit of every angel, archangel,
seraph, cherub and other creatures of His angelic Kingdom thus to
attain new glories for eternity.

Therefore, every man, woman and child are called by our heavenly
Father just as He called his very holy angels and even His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, David’s Son, to walk meek and lowly before Him
within His Promised Land to Israel, so the Holy Spirit of His glorious
name and of His perfect commandments may be well-regarded before Him
forever. For this reason, it is important for our heavenly Father that
His Holy Spirit of His glorious name and fulfilled commandments
revered may be constantly and properly by every man, woman and child
through the glorious life of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so love and
truth may prevail for every one’s justice and eternal salvation, on
earth and in heaven.

For this is the way that all people ought to walk all the time before
Him and His King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, just as
His holy angels walked before Him through the ages, so the Holy Spirit
of His great name and His glorious commandments respected may be
greatly continuously and throughout His brand-new creation to come.
For the brand-new angelic Kingdom no one that is bad-mannered or
lacking in courtesy to the Holy Spirit of His glorious name and
blessed commandments may ever enter into it, because this is holy
ground with new heavens and glorious lands where only those reborn
within the Spirit of the atoning-blood of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
may enter to live forever.

For the reason that whomever is reborn of our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach’s Holy Spirit of his atoning-blood, then he or she has not
only accepted our heavenly Father’s perfect salvation for his or her
living soul, but also he or she has accepted the perfect worship,
honor and glory to His great name and His fulfilled commandments
forever in eternity. That is to say, also that those that are
disrespectful to our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit are those that are
not reborn by believing within their hearts and confessing with their
lips the saving name of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus
Christ, as their personal savior, so they may become God’s child in a
moment of prayer and faith.

For it is our heavenly Father’s perfect will that each man, woman and
child from all the nations may believe within their hearts and confess
with their lips the great name that was not only born marvelously into
Israel, but also crucified it was with the King Messiah’s graceful
heart, so saved they may be forever for eternal life in heaven. That
is correct: our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was not the only one crucified
in the day of the supreme atoning-blood sacrifice over the Jerusalem’s
holy hill but also the Holy Spirit of the great name and the fulfilled
commandments, so Israel and the nations may continue to live right
with God with new heavens and glorious lands forever in eternity.

Then for those that reject our heavenly Father’s supreme atoning-blood
sacrificed over the Jerusalem bloody doorposts, indeed are not only
rejecting our Lord Jesus Christ as His Son and holy temple to His
great name and glorified commandments, but also they are rejecting the
only salvation possible for every man, woman and child back to eternal
life in paradise. Therefore, to walk meek and lowly within our
heavenly Father’s presence it pays great dividends each time we do
directly from the Holy of Holiest in heaven, with forgiveness for sin
and blessings without end for health, wealth and constant prosperity
towards a fruitful life each day that we may live on earth and/or
until Kingdom comes, that is.

Try it, humble yourself and be meek as a lamb before our heavenly
Father’s supreme atoning-blood sacrifice that He personally ordered to
be over Jerusalem’s holy hill with the holy body of His King Messiah
nailed to Adam’s and Eve’s crossed trees, so His great name and
blessed commadments exalted and honored may be at last in every one’s
life forever. For soon, if you are faithful to our heavenly Father’s
call to follow and obey His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as your personal
supreme atoning-blood sacrifice and high priest so your sins may be
write-off from out your entire life forever, then you will inherit new
heavens with holy lands where you will be right with God in eternal

Then you will not only be right with our heavenly Father, His tree of
life and His Holy Spirit forever in all eternity to come but also with
all his holy angels thus for you and your loved ones to know only
goodness, grace, peace and love in a brand-new life that you never
thought that you will live in eternity. Indeed, this is a glorious
life that no one deserves to live forever in all eternity to come,
except our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit and
His glorious angels, however included we are in this eternal wonderful
life with new heavens and new earth, if we are faithful to our
heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

That is to say, also that if we are humble and meek within our hearts
to believe and confess our Lord Jesus Christ as our atoning-blood
sacrifice for our only blessed eternal salvation, then written are our
names within these brand-new heavens with glorious and perfect lands
where we have indescribable mansions and richness never known to men
and angels before. Indeed, we may never be able to be as humble and
meek as our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach has always being
before His glorious presence but we can inherit or be accounted to it,
that is if we believe within our hearts and confess his great name
with our lips before Him and His holy angels in heaven.

These days, go ahead and confess with your lips, believing within your
heart our heavenly Father’s great name, and you will begin to live in
perfect humbleness and meekness before Him as never before, so you
will only know blessings, peace, grace, love and untold goodness
without end in this life and in the next one to come, forever and
ever. That is to say, also that with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
living within your heart as your Lord and high priest of your entire
life, then accredited you are automatically to his ancient holy
humbleness and submissiveness before our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit, so He may see you as His dear sanctified child from now on and

These days, you may say: I can never be meek and humble before our
heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit! Well, you could be right about
that, however, at the same time you could never be so wrong before our
heavenly Father. Because, before our heavenly Father you could be as
humble and meek as His Son Jesus Christ is these days and since the
beginning of eternity, for example. Since all of his ancient personal
eternal humbleness and meekness attributed are to you and your loved
ones the moment you believe in your heart and confess with your lips
His great name, the blessed name of His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth
or Yeshua HaMoshiach, so you may never leave His holy presence or His
Holy of Holiest in heaven.

Indeed, that is all you have to do before our heavenly Father these
days for Him to see you meek as a lamb before Him, His Son Jesus
Christ, His Holy Spirit and His angelic host, so you may qualify to
receive His blessings from heaven above and from under the earth as
well, for the glory of His great name. In truth, you are more humble
and meek these days before our heavenly Father each time you invoke
His great name within your heart thus to please all truth and justice
on earth and in heaven with your living soul, thanks to Yeshua
HaMoshiach, our only Lord and savior possible Jesus Christ of
nazareth. Amen!

(Carta del cielo):


We are looking forward for the new heavens and earth that our heavenly
Father promised to the ancients, where every one is right with Him to
live in peace and prosper forever and ever in His holy presence,
thanks to the grace and unfailing love of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Indeed, this is the land
where we will all live together with our heavenly Father and His tree
of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, because this is salvation at best that
He granted to each one of us to have these days, so we may live and
never die anymore in His holy presence.

Therefore, blessed we are for He no longer see us as sinners but as
His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, David’s blessed Son, so we may
serve His holy name with perfect consecration that can only emanate
from the heart and atoning-blood of His supreme everlasting Lamb
sacrifice, Yeshua HaMoshiach, the righteous from heaven into eternal
israel and the nations. These days, our heavenly Father does not see
us as His enemies anymore, but instead He sees us clearly as His
glorious Son himself, the perfect temple of His blessed name that
riquieres constantly to eat and drink from the Holy Spirit of the
fruit of life from the eternal Lamb’s atoning-blood for heaven and
earth at Jerusalem’s bloody doorpost.

Indeed, blessed we are within our heavenly Father’s sight these days
for what His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach has done for each one of us over
the Jerusalem’s holy hill, implanted with nails to Adam’s and Eve’s
crossed dead trees, so our sin against His holy name may die at last
for a brand-new life to flourish with new heavens and earth. Truly,
these are the heavens and earth where men, women and children may live
after a long wait liberated from Satan’s lie to serve in perfect
holiness our heavenly Father’s glorious name, so we may see and adore
with our livings souls the Maker and Founder of our brand-new lives,
in heaven and on earth as well, forever and ever.

Furthermore, this is the brand-new celestial life that will definitely
liberate each one of us by the millions, beginning with Adam and Eve,
for example, from the terrible wicked power to live cursed under the
heavens and earth that have lived over millenniums so much evil from
Satan and his followers against our heavenly Father’s very sacred
name. At last, when our sin disappears forever from within us, thanks
to our heavenly Father’s Lamb atoning-blood, Yeshua HaMoshiach, then
liberated we will be forever and ever to serve and adore within the
Holy Spirit of a brand-new celestial life never lived by angels in
heaven, except by our heavenly Father, His tree of life and His Holy

Indeed, blessed we are eternally, because in Jesus Christ atoning-
blood we have our brand-new celestial life guaranteed, free from
Satan’s lie and his eternal curses, so we may enjoy the every day
wonderful richness of our heavenly Father’s blessed name living at
last within our hearts and human spirit, just as it has lived over
millenniums within Jesus Christ, for example. What's more, our
heavenly Father created each one of us in His image and according to
His likeness thus to live exactly as His Son Yeshua HaMoshiach lives
in heaven overseen His angelic hosts, filled with the wonderful
enrichment and never-ending glories of His blessed name, so He may
create new heavens and earth to reach new glories never discovered

That is to say, also that whenever you may reconcile with our heavenly
Father’s blessed name that lives in perfect sanctity within the heart
and atoning-blood of His blessed Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then
you will feel the end of sin and death within your life, moreover you
will live the enrichment of the happiness of a glorious life forever.
Meaning also that your usual failures and sadness are with you
nowadays since you need to reconcile with our heavenly Father’s
blessed name in this life for you to live the happiness of your brand-
new life in heaven immediately, as in the brand-new Jerusalem from
heaven above, where angels with your loved ones wait for you to unite
them soon.

For this is the brand-new life that our heavenly Father reserves for
each one of us hidden in perfect sanctity within the Holy Spirit of
the glorious life lived by His blessed Son Jesus Christ since
immemorial eternity, so we may begin to enjoy it these days, on earth
and in heaven, for the glory and honor of His blessed name. And our
heavenly Father does these wonderful things with His blessed Son Jesus
Christ within each one of us, because He needs to have His glorious
name blessed these days within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and
human spirit, so love, truth, justice and everlasting righteousness
may overflow at last the earth as it is in heaven, for example.

That is correct, our heavenly Father needs to fill the entire earth
with the Holy Spirit of His blessed name that lives in perfect
holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so he may turn these unholy heavens and violent earth into
a blessed paradise, filled with glories and honors to His untarnished
name forever. This means also that whenever our heavenly Father is
able to fill the entire earth with the Holy Spirit of His blessed name
and His glorified messianic Ten Commandments, then He will create new
heavens and earth for men, so those that love Him through His Son
Jesus Christ may find eventually happiness to enjoy forever well into
all eternity.

Meaning that the preaching of His gospel all over the earth, beginning
within Israel, it is very important these days, so our heavenly Father
may save the nations from Satan’s lie to fill the entire human spirit
with the Holy Spirit of His glorious name thus to create new heavens
and new earth for them to live eternally in peace and glory. For the
reasons that the entire earth suffers all kinds of maladies and
terrible conflicts between peoples or nations, because our heavenly
Father’s blessed name is not moving freely within their hearts, minds,
souls, bodies and human spirit of every man, woman and child, so God’s
love, salvation, healing, prosperity and peace may reign supremely
each day and forevermore with them.

That is correct, we live these days under heavens and earth that saw
and heard so many terrible lies against our heavenly Father’s blessed
name that causes us problems, difficulties, infermities and even death
too, so we need to change the entire spirit of the world with the Holy
Spirit of God’s blessed name as it is in heaven. And by doing this
within every man, woman and child’s heart, for example, then our
heavenly Father’s will for forgiveness, healing of the body, mind,
soul and human spirit take place, and, simultaneously, we change the
Spirit of the earth for the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the
messianic glorified commandments, so we may enjoy better days ahead of

Because, the fact is also that our heavenly Father’s angelic Kingdom
overflows in these days with never-ending glories and honors to Him
and His tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, due to the
fact of the infilling everywhere of the Holy Spirit of His blessed
name and glorified commandments, for example. That is to say, also
that there are wonderful powers of healing, restoration and
reconciliation within our human spirit and for the entire earth as
well, if we only recognize and obey properly our heavenly Father’s
blessed name within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, so we may live better these days and forevermore.

Otherwise, without the enrichment of His blessed name’s Holy Spirit
emanating continuously from His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-
blood, then the angelic Kingdom’s life would be totally impossible,
what is more heaven would be just as violent and indifferent as the
earth is nowadays, because on earth every day someone is dying but not
like this in heaven, for example. Meaning also that the Promised Land
enriched as it is in heaven with the Holy Spirit of our heavenly
Father’s sacred name that lives in perfect glory and sanctity within
the heart and atoning-blood of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, then it
would be a nation with a glorious heaven and a blessed land for every
one to enjoy nowadays.

Indeed, our heavenly Father intended to make of Israel’s lands a
wonderful land cover with glorious heavens that will only shower each
day from the Holy of Holiest His Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
the messianic glorified commandments within the life of each of his
children, so they may live in love with truth and in continuous
peaceful prosperity forever. However, since the Hebrews with the
Gentiles crucified and killed the Son of David because of Satan’s lie,
as we already know very well, then the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s
shelter and blessings were led down, moreover our heavenly Father’s
Holy Spirit of His blessed name and of His messianic glorified
commandments abandon the land temporarily due to the unreasonable
violence suffered there.

Nonetheless, if the Hebrews along with the Gentiles that mistreated
our heavenly Father’s blessed Son repent from their rebellions before
Him, then His Holy Spirit will again descend upon the Promised Land so
the blessed name along with the messianic fulfilled commandments may
enrich the heavens and the entire earth for blessings to fill the
hearts of everybody everywhere continuously. That is to say, also that
whenever we recognize our heavenly Father’s Son Messiah within our
hearts, indeed we accept the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and the messianic glorified commandments, so our heavenly
Father’s will at last may take effect on earth with men as it is in
heaven with his faithful holy angels.

In other words, our earth is dying just as any man these days, because
it needs to reconcile too with the Holy Spirit of our heavenly
Father’s blessed name and His glorified commandments, so it may be
born again with brand-new heavens and fruitful lands for the nations
of the entire world to live in peace, beginning with Israel, for
example. Moreover, our heavenly Father does these things within us
each day of our entire lives on earth just to bless us mightily as His
holy angels, because we will never glorify and honor His blessed name
within us due to Satan’s lie and our every day sin; indeed without our
heavenly Father’s name in us, we are in deep trouble perpetually.

Likewise, we will only truly bless and glorify His holy name these
days through the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit, of the
victorious life of His Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so grace, goodness and unfailing love may follow us each
day on earth and in heaven as well, as in the brand-new Jerusalem from
heaven above. In other words, it is totally impossible for every man,
woman and child to bless and serve faithfully our heavenly Father’s
blessed name away from His Son Yeshua HaMoshiach’s godliness, in this
life and in the next one to come, as in paradise or as in the brand-
new Jerusalen from heaven above, where every one is sealed with
holiness and perfection perpetually.

That is to say, also that you may serve our heavenly Father’s name
faithfully in men’s doctrines anywhere on earth, but away from Jesus
Christ’s blessed life and atoning-blood, then all your efforts to
serve and please His glorious all-powerful name within His perfect
holiness and purity will fail constantly, in this life and in eternity
as well. In other words, it is totally impossible for any one anywhere
on earth or even in paradise, for example, to serve our heavenly
Father’s blessed name away from His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because
Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is not only His blessed Son as always, but also
he is the temple for His glorious name, in heaven and on earth

(I hope that you may understand this very well within your heart and
entire human spirit that our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
is His only temple possible for His holy name to remain perfect, pure,
glorious and holy, on earth and in heaven too, forever and ever.
Furthermore, this is our heavenly Father’s temple for His holy name
that the Hebrews were taken from Egypt to serve in perfect
righteousness under a glorious heaven and a bountiful, fruitful and
peaceful land, David’s Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so you may live
right with our heavenly Father on earth thus to enter paradise in your
last day.)

Therefore, no one can ever serve or honor our heavenly Father’s
blessed name away from His temple or altar that is His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so He may pour His blessings of
love, grace, life and unending blessings within the life of every man,
woman and child on earth. Then, it is very important for each one of
us, whether we are Hebrews or Gentiles, to invoke our heavenly
Father’s blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s name (God’s Righteousness),
so he may bless us with the presence of his Father’s hallowed name, in
this life and in the next one too thus fulfilling love, truth and
justice within our human spirit forever.

Because, for each one to live a peaceful and blessed life on earth and
in heaven, then we need to have peace with our heavenly Father’s
blessed name, so Satan’s lie may leave us forever for love, truth,
justice with many blessings may come to stay with us each day of our
entire lives on earth and in eternity, as well. In these days, let us
reconcile to our heavenly Father’s blessed name that lives in perfect
righteousness and eternal justice for each one of us within our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach’s heart and atoning-blood, so we may start to enjoy
our celestial brand-new life on earth even before we return to
paradise in a little while, for example.

For this is our heavenly Father’s will these days that we may enjoy
the wonderful peaceful and fruitful life that His blessed name will
grant each one to have every day of our entire lives on earth and in
heaven too, so the peoples of the world may know that we serve an
Almighty God that loves to bless us perpetually. Therefore, on this
Fourth of July 2010 make it your personal business to reconcile with
our heavenly Father’s blessed name, so wonderful things may take place
within you and within your loved ones, and even friends around the
world as well, for the glory and honor of His blessed name that loves
you with supernatural powers from eternity to eternity.

(Try it, you will not only make our heavenly Father very happy with
your living soul on earth, but also you will excite for you all those
holy angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other holy creatures
that love eternally the Holy Spirit of truth and justice for the
blessed name and the messianic glorified commandments. Furthermore,
you will live so blessed by the wonderful presence of our heavenly
Father’s blessed name that not only our Lord Jesus Christ will be with
you because he is God’s temple and altar for His glorious ancient
name, but also angels will be with you to bless you in many things
that you see and those that you do not.)

Indeed, if we enter into total reconciliation with our heavenly
Father’s blessed name these days, then millions and millions of
miracles and great wonders may develop gradually but surely within
your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, so this sinful life
that we live today may change into our heavenly Father’s blessed life
of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach forever. For this is the novel purpose
of our heavenly Father for pouring His Holy Spirit all over the earth
in the beginning, so later He may send His Blessed Son Jesus Christ to
be born from David’s daughter virgin womb, thus you may inherit a
glorious celestial body to live under new heavens and earth forever in
all eternity come.

Therefore, blessed we are these days in believing what our heavenly
Father has done through the wonderful and glorious life of His
consecrated King Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may have
life in abundance filled with peace and prosperity, on earth and in
heaven forever and ever for the never-ending love and service to His
all-powerful name. Indeed, our heavenly Father will grant us what He
initially promised to his loved ones from the past: New heavens with
fresh earth, so we may live in peace serving and honoring His glorious
name, just as holy angels have done it over the millenniums in heaven,
for example, so Satan’s lie against His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach may
finally die forever.

Because, this Satanic battle against our heavnely Father blessed name
began in heaven with one third of the angels rebelling and attacking
His heavenly celebrated name that dwells in perfect glory and sanctity
within the heart and sacred life of His tree of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, so His glorious sanctity may finally fail and die
forever. That is why that it is very important for every man, woman
and child from all the nations to believe within their hearts and
confess with their lips our heavenly Father’s blessed name that He
granted us through the glorious life of His King Messiah, so we may at
last resurrect eternally blessed to continue to honor His name for

And this is to continue to honor and bless His glorious name on earth
so we may finally, in due time, reenter a brand-new life with new
heavens and earth, so His glorious personal will may finally be done
within the nations with every man, woman and child as it is in heaven
with all His holy angels, for example. Moreover, our heavenly Father
is doing all these wonderful and glorious things for each one of us
each day of our entire lives, because He loves us supernaturally,
moreover because He loves dearly His beloved Son Jesus Christ who
conveys within his heart and atoning-blood His blessed name in perfect
holiness and glory for all eternity to come.

Appropriately, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart,
you have forgiveness for sin, problems solved, healing to your body,
soul, mind and human spirit, so you may serve our heavenly Father’s
blessed name that loves you beyond eternity, in this life and in the
next one to come thus you may always enjoy love, truth, integrity, and
happiness above all. These days, have a wonderful celebration of
Independence Day in the presence of our heavenly Father by recognizing
His glorious name within His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-
blood that is full of love, grace, healing, health and blessings for
prosperity without end for you, your loved ones, and your friends as
well, in this life and in heaven. Amen!

(Carta del cielo) --


Everyone who is victorious will eat from the fruit of the tree of
life, in the paradise of God. This is the promise that our heavenly
Father grants each day to every man, woman and child from all the
nations of the entire world, beginning with Israel, that are willing
to obey His words and His glorious name within their hearts.

Because, the moment the hearts of men begin to obey our heavenly
Father’s words and His blessed name, then His Holy Spirit will begin
to work mightily within their hearts, souls, mind, bodies and human
spirit thus to cast out darkness from within their inner beings, so
our heavenly Father’s blessings will find their place within them to
stay, forever. By reasons of, that our heavenly Father’s blessings are
not temporary but forever and ever within the life of every one that
obeys His words and blesses His holy name in His glorious presence, so
the wonderful presence and light from His Holy Spirit may begin to
work supernaturaly for their sake thus to solve problems,
difficulties, infirmities and even death.

Truthfully, our heavenly Father is powerful within our inner beings,
and the only thing He is asking us to do it is to obey His word and
bless His glorious name given to men on earth, so He may finish what
He started to do with each one of us the moment He fashions us in His
image and according to His likeness. That is the truth, what our
heavenly Father started to do within each one of us He did not finish
yet in heaven, because we have to recognize Him within our hearts and
living souls by invoking first the glorious name of His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach as His dear Son, so He may finish at last His work within
us forever.

Perhaps, this is the reason that you have felt many times that you are
missing something within your inner being that is not letting you be
happy, and this is the work that our heavenly Father must finish
within you. An undone work that our heavenly Father must complete
within you as you believe his words spoken for your sake in the day of
your creation, and confess His glorious name with your lips thus to
transform you into the holy flesh, unbreaklable bones, and atoning-
blood, saturated with life to the full from His tree of life, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach!

Meaning also that “the person” that our heavenly Father fashioned
within you with His image and likeness lives to this day only within
the holy flesh, unbreakable bones, blessed eternal blood of the Son of
David, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so you may live eternally knowing and
glorifying His words and blessed name. That is why that we need to be
faithful to His word and blessed name each day of our entire lives, so
our heavenly Father’s holy hands may continue to do the supernatural
work that He started in heaven as He began to fashion us in His image
and according to His likeness, for example.

And what does His word say to us each time we read them thus to invoke
the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and His fulfilled Ten Commandments
within our inner beings or human spirit, wherever we may live on
earth? They are telling us constantly to obey His holy name that lives
within the heart and atoning-blood of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, so honored and glorified He may be not
only all over the world but also in heaven with all His very holy

For we are the perfect creation of His glorious hands, so we may honor
and glorify His blessed name on earth and in heaven, before Him and
His angelic host thus for each one of us to live victoriously over
Satan and his lie each day of our entire lives on earth and for all
eternity to come, as well. That is to say, also that the victory that
our heavenly Father grants to each one of us in paradise or all over
the entire earth since the beginning of things it is greater than what
we could we ever imagine within our human hearts or brains, for

And this is the abundance of the Holy Spirit of faith within our inner
beings to believe in Him through the invocation of His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach as His blessed Son, so his atoning-blood filled with life
and ever-increasing blessings for our inner beings and entire body may
wash us clean from all impurities thus ushering us into heaven
forever. Therefore, it is our heavenly Father’s will that His precious
name glorified and exalted may be all over the entire earth just as it
is in heaven with all His holy angels, archangels, seraphs, cherub,
and other blessed righteous creatures from heaven as well.

For this reason, it is very important for our heavenly Father’s word
to spread all over the earth as in heaven, so the families from the
nations may hear what His Holy Spirit is saying thus for them to walk
away from darkness and death into the heavenly light and eternal life,
replenish with blessings and never-ending glorious wealth. Blessings
and wealth from the Holy Spirit of the fruit from the tree of life
that erected it is in the epicenter of our heavenly Father’s glorious
life and His wonderful brand-new Kingdom as the brand-new Jerusalem
from heaven above, that is, where everything is unfailing-love and
constant victory for every one that believes in invoking anytime
Yeshua HaMoshiach for salvation.

For it is our heavenly Father’s will for each one to be blessed
mightily not just as His holy angels in heaven but also as His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because His
glorious Son is the best of all things in heaven and on earth for His
blessed name, for these days and eternity. That is correct, our
heavenly Father wants every man, woman and child from all the families
of the nations to become just as His Son is in His holy presence, in
the heavens and all over entire earth as well, so He may at last exalt
mightily His holy name with the victorious voices in unison of angels
and men alike forever.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father will never trust the
integrity of His blessed name to His holy angels in heaven much less
to men on earth but only to His Blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our
Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because only in him abides
His Holy Spirit of truth and never-ending righteousness. Therefore,
this is why that our heavenly Father needs you to become as His Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach these days, so you may become just as faithful and
righteouss as he is thus for you to attain brand-new glories and
honors for His holy name on earth and in heaven, just as His angels
have done it over millenniums to this day.

That is, that our heavenly Father makes sure that you hear His holy
words constantly so you may honor and glorify within your heart, mind
and human spirit His blessed name, so those new glories and honors
that you will give to Him, in due time, then they will grow gradually
until they become alive in His majestic presence, forever. That is to
say, also that you need to glorify and honor our heavenly Father’s
words and blessed name, so His Holy Spirit may grow powerfully within
you thus to help and guide you into the way you should go to execute
these brand-new glories and honors due to His holy name on earth and
in heaven, as well.

For this reason, our heavenly Father grants you abundantly His Holy
Spirit from the beginning of all things in heaven and on earth as
well, so you may be able to receive His holy words and blessed name
within your heart the moment you hear them directly from Him, His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, angels or ministers, for example. Moreover,
our heavenly Father grants you to have anytime His Holy Spirit, His
Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and even His angelic hosts by the
millions as well, so they may help and guide you each day of your
entire life to execute new glories and honors to His precious name
here on earth and for all eternity to come.

Because, the truth is that every time that something is carry out here
on earth for you or someone else, by invoking the holy saving name of
the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s Son, then new glories, honors and
sanctities never known to angels in heaven are born for eternity with
your name written on each one of them. Moreover, this is something
that takes place none-stop every hour of the day on earth and in
heaven, since our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach began to speak directly to
each one of us as “God’s Anointed One,” so we may believe in our
heavenly Father’s words and blessed name within our hearts and human
spirit thus to become born again for heaven.

That is to say, also that you are not alone in this calling from our
heavenly Father to obtain new glories and honors to His blessed name
on earth and in heaven, because He Himself will be with you and with
your loved ones as well, so His Holy Spirit and His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach may help you to attain them. Truthfully, you are never
alone when you serve our heavenly Father’s words and holy name within
your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, because He will be
there with His Holy Spirit and His Blessed Son to help you attain
these wonderful glories and honors, so you may live a wonderful
enriched and happy life always on earth for eternity.

In other words, the moment you believe within your heart and confess
with your lips the blessed-saving name of your living soul the Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, as God’s Anointed or God’s Atoning-Blood Lamb or
God’s high priest, then you are born again with a divine flesh,
unbrakable bones, and atoning-blood full of eternal life, so you may
become God’s family forever. Therefore, the moment you invoke the
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as your personal savior of your living soul,
then you will never be alone again in this life or in the next one to
come because our heavenly Father will be with you with His Holy Spirit
and His Son Jesus Christ to bless you each step of the way back to

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father along with His Holy
Spirit, His Son Jesus Christ and every angel in heaven will make it
there every day business that blessed and healed you will continue to
be, moreover that do not matter what Satan says or does you will make
it back to heaven to stay forever. In truth, every time you walk with
our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach in your heart, then he
is in person interceding for your sake before our heavenly Father that
is in heaven, and at the same time, he is commanding his angels,
archangels, seraphs, cherub, and other holy creatures to help you
attain new glories of honor for the blessed name.

This means also that everywhere around the world where men, women and
children believe within their hearts and confess with their lips the
blessed name of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as His Son Jesus Christ,
then the Holy Spirit with his angelic host moves around them and their
loved ones thus to attain new glories and honor for our heavnely
Father. Thus, to obtain new glories and honors to our heavenly
Father’s blessed name, then the only thing men need to do it is to
remain faithful to His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as His Blessed Son, so
his Holy Spirit with His angels may work supernaturaly, so evil may
flee, for goodness and mercy to stay with them forever.

Remember what our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach taught to his disciples as
he ministered to the people in Israel by assuring them that they will
never be able to do anything in this life or in the next one to come
without him, for that reason, he promised that he will remain faithful
to them to the end of time. Therefore, this is how all problems,
difficulties, conflicts, even infermities and death are solved at once
by the hour within our heavenly Father’s blessed presence on earth and
in heaven as well, so you may live a joyful life always for the glory
and honor of His respected name in all the brand-new angelic Kingdom
to come.

This means also that there is nothing impossible for him or her that
believes in the name of our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach’s name, for the forgiveness of sin, the resolving of
problems and difficulties, and even the healing of the body, mind,
soul and human spirit to escape the angel of death’s trap, which is
hell for sure. Furthermore, if you are victorious in this life, then
you are indeed victorious eternally for the brand-new life within the
Jerusalem from heaven above, where the tree of life seats—waiting for
you to eat your share from the fruit of life, so you may continue to
live forever for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father’s blessed

Indeed, you will eat very soon from the fruit of the tree of life, in
the paradise of our heavenly Father, so you will never suffer hunger
much less thirst in this life and in the next one to come, for ever
and ever, for the everlasting glories and honors to our heavenly
Father’s blessed name that loves you beyond eternity. These days, you
are victorious eternally over Satan and his lies, because you believed
at last in the unfailing-love and living truth between Him and His Son
Jesus Christ, the only possible life for israel and the nations, so
His Holy Spirit may enrich your life, your loved ones, and of your
friends as well, with blessings without end.

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of



Frank J. Lhota
2010-07-27 21:23:49 UTC
That reminds me; what ever happened to "Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil"?
"All things extant in this world,
Gods of Heaven, gods of Earth,
Let everything be as it should be;
Thus shall it be!"
- Magical chant from "Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi"

"Drizzle, Drazzle, Drozzle, Drome,
Time for this one to come home!"
- Mr. Wizard from "Tooter Turtle"
Dave Turner
2010-07-28 17:24:43 UTC
Post by Frank J. Lhota
That reminds me; what ever happened to "Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil"?
Didn't she end up dating Moral Orel? ;)
