Fox "unlikely to air" abortion episode of 'Family Guy
(too old to reply)
2009-07-25 21:37:43 UTC
July 25, 2009

Fox 'unlikely to air' abortion episode of 'Family Guy'
By Steven Zeitchik HR, NLSN TLVSN

News Corp. paid Seth MacFarlane the ultimate compliment when it made
him Twentieth Century Fox TV's $100 million crown jewel. But the
"Family Guy" creator isn't necessarily returning the favor.

At the series' Comic-Con panel Saturday, MacFarlane continued his
show's tradition of jibing its host studio and network.

MacFarlane reveled he's produced a controversial episode about
abortion for the upcoming season. But MacFarlane added that Fox was
unlikely to air the episode.

"Twentieth Century Fox, as always, allowed us to produce the episode
and then said, 'You know what? We're scared to f--king death of
this,'" MacFarlane said.

The episode will probably be available only on DVD, he added.

A Fox spokesperson said no decision has yet been made.

There were few details offered about the content of the episode, but
given the show's penchant for political incorrectness -- it has in the
past featured a character wearing a McCain/Palin button on an SS
uniform, among other flourishes -- it's unlikely Planned Parenthood
would use the episode in a PSA anytime soon.

The shows creators continued the anti-Fox theme with a send-up of "The
Empire Strikes back" -- the follow-up this season to its fan-favorite
"Star Wars" parody -- in which the rolling text at the start of the
episode chastised the movie studio for letting George Lucas walk away
with merchandising rights to the property.

"Are you listening stockholders?" the text asked. "This is the same
company that canceled 'Family Guy' twice. Who's running that joint?"

MacFarlane, who inked a $100 million overall deal with Twentieth
Century Fox TV earlier this year, has taken aim at Fox before,
particularly Fox News, which he sent up in an episode that had female
lead Lois Griffin working at the net.

Panelists didn't reserve their arrows just for their own network,

After one too many audience members asked a loopy question,
MacFarlane, perhaps recognizing a key part of the show's audience
base, quipped. "Is anybody here not stoned?
Captain Infinity
2009-07-25 22:17:05 UTC
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD
And on the internet. Which means that everyone who wants to see it will
see it, and Fox will have screwed themselves out of ad revenue.

Good job, Fox.

Captain Infinity
2009-07-25 22:28:54 UTC
Post by Captain Infinity
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD
And on the internet.  Which means that everyone who wants to see it will
see it, and Fox will have screwed themselves out of ad revenue.
Good job, Fox.
Hulu will benefit. If I can get a proxy, I'll sure be watching and
Post by Captain Infinity
Captain Infinity
2009-07-25 22:33:49 UTC
Post by Captain Infinity
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD
And on the internet. Which means that everyone who wants to see it will
see it, and Fox will have screwed themselves out of ad revenue.
Good job, Fox.
Didn't Stewie have a joke about a dead baby on prom night?

I think that would be worse than abortion episode.
Post by Captain Infinity
Captain Infinity
2009-07-25 22:45:17 UTC
Post by Syvyn11
Post by Captain Infinity
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD
And on the internet.  Which means that everyone who wants to see it will
see it, and Fox will have screwed themselves out of ad revenue.
Good job, Fox.
Didn't Stewie have a joke about a dead baby on prom night?
I think that would be worse than abortion episode.
Maybe Seth'll have the aborted fetuses reenact Indiana Jones next
(already did a Star Wars episode).
Post by Syvyn11
Post by Captain Infinity
Captain Infinity- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Captain Infinity
2009-07-25 22:58:28 UTC
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Syvyn11
Didn't Stewie have a joke about a dead baby on prom night?
I think that would be worse than abortion episode.
"Prom Night Dumpster Baby" was more than a joke, it was an entire
musical interlude, featuring a half dozen naked fetuses singing and
dancing while twirling their umbilicus cords. It was hilariously

Captain Infinity
David Levy
2009-07-26 04:03:24 UTC
Post by Captain Infinity
"Prom Night Dumpster Baby" was more than a joke, it was an entire
musical interlude, featuring a half dozen naked fetuses singing and
dancing while twirling their umbilicus cords. It was hilariously
I've watched the series since the beginning, and that's the only gag
that's actually creeped me out. I recall many others reacting in

I'll note that Melissa Drexler (the real-life "Prom Mom") attended my
high school, but I was two grades behind her and never heard of her
until the news broke. And I've even laughed at the show's Holocaust-
related jokes (including one in the first episode), despite the fact
that some of my paternal relatives died at the hands of Nazis.

So yeah, "Prom Night Dumpster Baby" was a sick, twisted spectacle
(even by "Family Guy" standards), and while I didn't personally enjoy
it, I admire the production staff for getting it on the air.
Frank J. Lhota
2009-07-27 10:06:35 UTC
Post by Captain Infinity
Once Upon A Time,
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD
And on the internet. Which means that everyone who wants to see it will
see it, and Fox will have screwed themselves out of ad revenue.
Good job, Fox.
Captain Infinity
Fox is more than willing to make money off of this episode. As you
noted, it will be available on DVD and on hulu. I would also add that
this episode will also be broadcast outside of the U.S.

So why does Fox deny themselves the extra revenue from broadcasting this
episode in the United States? Simple: they're afraid of the Federal
Communications Commission. If this show aired, the FCC would be
contacted by a sizable number of irate viewers, including those who
belong to right to life groups. The volume of calls and E-mails would be
sufficient to trigger an investigation and the possible imposition of
staggeringly high fines. The cost of dealing with the FCC is likely to
exceed what profits they could make from airing the show. FCC actions
like this is what forced Howard Stern off of traditional radio and onto
satellite radio.

IMHO the FCC should be stripped of any control over content. But now
that we have so many alternatives that are out of their control (DVD's,
cable, internet), the FCC's power to suppress anything has been greatly
"All things extant in this world,
Gods of Heaven, gods of Earth,
Let everything be as it should be;
Thus shall it be!"
- Magical chant from "Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi"

"Drizzle, Drazzle, Drozzle, Drome,
Time for this one to come home!"
- Mr. Wizard from "Tooter Turtle"
Don Del Grande
2009-07-26 02:02:14 UTC
Post by Taylor
July 25, 2009
Fox 'unlikely to air' abortion episode of 'Family Guy'
By Steven Zeitchik HR, NLSN TLVSN
News Corp. paid Seth MacFarlane the ultimate compliment when it made
him Twentieth Century Fox TV's $100 million crown jewel. But the
"Family Guy" creator isn't necessarily returning the favor.
At the series' Comic-Con panel Saturday, MacFarlane continued his
show's tradition of jibing its host studio and network.
MacFarlane reveled he's produced a controversial episode about
abortion for the upcoming season. But MacFarlane added that Fox was
unlikely to air the episode.
"Twentieth Century Fox, as always, allowed us to produce the episode
and then said, 'You know what? We're scared to f--king death of
this,'" MacFarlane said.
The episode will probably be available only on DVD, he added.
I wonder what Adult Swim's position would be on this episode?
On the one hand, they tend to let through stuff Fox doesn't allow
(Mickey Rooney without pants, for one).
On the other hand, I would think abortion would go over in Atlanta
about as well as "Sweet Zombie Jesus".

-- Don
2009-07-26 04:06:49 UTC
On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:37:43 -0700 (PDT), Taylor
Post by Taylor
The episode will probably be available only on DVD, he added.
I'm not buying this controversy. FOX would love to be able to sell a
straight-to-dvd FG episode. They're already doing it with "It's Always
Sunny In Philadelphia." And, judging on what makes it to air, it seems
like FG can do whatever it wants.